5th June World Environment Day 2021

The panelists of My Opinion have given answers for this issue as well, so on the occasion of the world day, we present them to you!

Active participation in environmental protection issues, 10%!
Recycling-reuse only, 81%!
People who do not contribute to any action to protect the environment, 9%!
The above data refer to the total of the answers from all age groups 18+.

It is a very encouraging information, at least for those who have responded that they do recycle-reuse. An excellent start if we consider that recycling has only entered our lives in recent years.

This year the theme of World Environment Day is: “Reimagine. Recreate. Restore” and focuses on the restoration of ecosystems. Environment Day 2021 will be the beginning of the International Decade of Action (2021-2030) for the restoration of the United Nations (UN) ecosystems, a global initiative for the restoration and revitalization of diverse ecosystems, from mountain tops. of the sea.